About Our Golf Tour


The World Amateur Golfers Championship  (WAGC) was founded in 1995 by Sven Tumba, a prominent sportsman , representing Sweden in ice-hockey, soccer, as well as golf. Arnold Palmer, has been a Tournament Patron and a supporter of the program. Annika Sorenstam recently succeeded Severiano Ballesteros as Honorary Chairman of the Advisory Board, and Jesper Parnevik has taken over Arnold Palmers position as Patron.
The WGC gives the amateur golfer an opportunity to compete in a “ professional “ atmosphere with other golfers from 44 countries. Competition is offered in flights at 5 different levels 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, and 21-25.
Competition is held throughout the year.
 In the US the competition is organized by World Amateur Golfers Championship, USA, Inc. (WAGC.US).


                       Jim Smith

Jim Smith

                    Tim Greathouse

Tim Greathouse


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